Gestures for Artwork Browsing

What am I seeing?
This animated .gif was created from your gesture previously recorded. The different keypoints defining your hand at each position were stored and a pre-trained machine learning model was applied to find similar hand poses in a dataset of paintings from the photographic collection of the Bibliotheca Hertziana in Rome. Click on the painted hands to find more about the original painting!

Recorded hand Painted hand

This website contains copyrighted material, property of the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History, in Rome. The material is made available on this website as a way to advance research related to computer vision and digital art history. The material is presented for entirely non-profit scientific research purposes and should not be reused without direct permission from original copyrights holders.


What am I doing?
Press the 'Start hand recording' button. Then start moving one of your hand in front of the camera. The gesture will be recorded once a hand is detect for a timelaps of 5 seconds.